What We Do
While our organization is still growing, we have worked hard to effect change on a number of important healthcare issues that are vital to the people of Maine. This type of change would not be possible without joining forces with numerous other groups and individuals who support similar goals.
We advocate for health policy changes utilizing:
Mass media - holding press conferences, taking part in public broadcast interviews, publishing Op-Eds and letters to the editor
Public outreach - rallying in public spaces, canvassing door-to-door
Public testimony regarding legislation
One-on-one work - lobbying legislators, making phone calls
We have spoken with, closely listened to, and testified in front of our elected Democratic and Republican representatives in Augusta and Washington, D.C.
Please see below for a sample of our advocacy work.
Stand up ME with Senator Susan Collins
Jaime Johnson, RN, speaking about the importance of the Affordable Care Act
Photo credit: Patty Wight
Nicole Cherbuliez knocking on doors to help pass Medicaid expansion
Photo credit: Mainers for Health Care
Lobbying for Preservation and Refinement of the Affordable Care Act
Successfully urging Senator Susan Collins to oppose the Senate Healthcare Bill:
Press Conference at Central Maine Medical Center:
Expressing our views in local print media:
Testifying in front of Congress in Washington, DC regarding the potential harm of the House Healthcare Bill:
Advocating for Passage and Implementation of Medicaid Expansion
Making Maine the first state in the country to expand Medicaid by referendum
Expressing our views in local print media:
Holding a public hearing to encourage former Governor LePage to comply with the Medicaid Expansion law